Now that we've been in this pandemic, everyone has been rushing to start their own business.
Hold up, wait a minute!
Now before you start sharing the name of your new brand to the world, do you want to own and protect it?
Well, then you'll need to take the extra steps to protect your brand name.
When I first started my brand, Art Of Legohn®, I trademarked it the "Poor Man's" way, which was to write it down on a piece of paper and then mail it to myself and not open it.
Lil' did I know, that didn't protect my brand 100%
After some research, I learned that it's best to file an application with the USPTO
office in order to have full protection of your brand name.
Four trademarks later, I'm happy that I did the research, which allowed me to make the right decision.
Here are some basic steps to help you start the trademarking process
Create a name that is unique and one that you would like to use for a long period of time
Do a trademark search to see if the name is already being used.
Look into Legal zoom/or hire a trademark attorney
Trademark it yourself by filing an application with USPTO
Do your own research
Looking forward to seeing your protected brand name out there in the business world.
Have questions on how to build your brand?
Contact me and let's chat!
Email: Info@artoflegohn.com
If you feel this information is helpful
Feel free to make a donation to Art Of Legohn®
All donations are appreciated
Photo by @still1